How much is your home worth?
Fort Wayne home prices have appreciated over 70% in the last decade. Your home is probably worth a lot more than you think right now. Even if you're not looking to sell, we want you to have a plan for the equity in your home. Find out how much you have today:
The average home price in the United States has gone from $170,000 to $300,000 in the past 10 years, which shows home values across the US have appreciated 50%. In Fort Wayne, our appreciation rate is 70%! We’ve been listed all across the country as the best city to raise a family in and the lowest cost of living, so it makes sense why there is so much value here!
3 bed | 2.5 bath | 1,491 | sold for $191,500 in 2021
Let’s look at a specific example. 12608 Stoneboro Ct sold for $118,000 in 2003. Over the next many years, it sold and slowly appreciated:
2003: $118,000
2005: $130,000
2006: $114,000
2014: $130,000
2016: $160,000
2021: $191,500
That’s a 61% appreciation value, from 2003 to today! There’s a hot demand for homes under $250,000 in Fort Wayne right now, if you’ve been thinking about moving up into a larger house, now might be the time to sell your starter home and upgrade to your dream home!